About Me

About Me #

A speck of dust trying to learn and experience as much as I can.

I am starting to document my learnings, ideas, thoughts and opinions and trying to be more public about it. This blog will be my way of tracking my journey. All opinions presented here are my own and in no way reflect the views of any organization I am affiliated to.

Long time ago, I read somewhere that if we have three hobbies in life, every day would be fulfilling. One that pays you, one that is your creative outlet and one that keeps you fit. I think it is a very good heuristic to live by.

One that pays you

I have loved playing with technology as long as I can remember and thankfully am in a position to take it up as a full time job. My interests lie in distributed systems, edge computing, selfhosting/homelab, predictive models, ethical hacking, computer networks, simulations and taking things apart and putting them back together.

One that is your creative outlet

I have thoroughly enjoyed clicking pictures since I was a kid. This is one hobby that I do not intend to monetize and that allows me to continue enjoying it my way. There is something unique about freezing time and finding beauty in imperfections surrounding us.

One that keeps you fit

I enjoy walks in natures, playing with my dog and picking up functional fitness activities when I can. This is the area where I don not have a very consistent activity yet.

Hope you enjoy the articles posted here and feel free to get in touch to have more discussions on any of the platforms.